He has constructed an amazing costume and calls himself Linny-kun (the train is known as "linear" in Japanese). For some reason he's still only an unofficial character.
ネットで話題の奈良市・非公認ゆるキャラ「リニー君」 “中の人”が明かす誕生秘話 #ゆるキャラ #地域 http://t.co/dLIL4c5E7v pic.twitter.com/VqNqm16Ql7
— クランクイン! (@crank_in_net) September 21, 2015
It's hard not to get super pumped up when you see a maybe dead train man with a human body but no face for some reason. But Linny-kun goes the extra mile to get the kids excited.
— Wha2UP!? (@Wha2Up) August 27, 2015
I guess he gives any kid who wants one a "ride". He also gave an especially lucky soccer player one.
残り6試合、全勝すれば可能性は十分にある。そしてホームもあと3試合全て3000人目指そう。Jにむかってリニー君にライド・オン!! pic.twitter.com/ew2m4WUjgR
— ファンタジスタ・シンジ (@shinji826) September 22, 2015
Oh, I said he doesn't have a face, but, I don't know, he has the face of death or whatever.
奈良クラブvs横河武蔵野FCは13時キックオフ! pic.twitter.com/qSuX5p6MZh
— 奈良市 スポーツ振興課 (@naracity_sports) September 20, 2015
Recently he sported a nice, new, yellow outfit.
— ニュース速報 (@news_sokuhou) September 27, 2015
Apparently he wore this in Nara Park where tame deer roam. He said, "The deer run away from the white costume, but they're attracted to the yellow." What a wise man. When asked about how he felt about pushing his face repeatedly into the ground of a park covered in deer crap, he said, "I'm used to it."
Source: Nara Keizai Shimbun