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Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Paellas

Japanese Indie Music Sundays

I've decided that I waste a lot of time looking for Japanese indie bands, so I may as well make it a weekly article. I would guess the majority of The Times' six readers don't really care about this, but it will probably only last 3 or 4 weeks. First up... The Paellas. They're a four member band from Osaka. They say they have two original members (the bass player and the singer). I assume there were previous members, or else it was just some rad bass action. I could try to tell you more, but I think the  band put it best when they said, "we are indie LO-Fi guiter 'NITETIME SURF POP' band in Japan,Osaka! please checking our sound!!" 

I think that's everything you need to know. You probably don't even need to listen, but if you want to, here's a video they made for their song "Following." (The real music doesn't start until around 0:54).

This song was put out by Dead Funny Records. You can hear the whole album on bandcamp.

If you want to listen to another song, why not check out #9 "Fall Even Further" or #5 "Distance"?

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