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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Only One Man Born in the 1800s Alive

Jiroemon Kimura of Kyoto Prefecture is the oldest person in the world at the age of 116. In fact, he's the oldest man in the history of men. Luckily for him, a James Sisnett died making Mr. Kimura the only male born in the 19th century who refuses to die. He is said to eat three small meals a day consisting of red bean cakes and rice and spends most of this day in bed. So the key to living a long life seems to be making this world a living hell. Here's a video of him a month ago on his birthday. He received a message from the prime minister. Look at the wisdom in those eyes!

1 comment:

  1. Thoughtful Christian2:37 PM

    Hopefully his family still gives him time to masturbate
