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Monday, April 8, 2013

Why Aren't There More Babies in Japan?

Why hasn't this man fathered a child?
My Navi News reported on the dating habits of young Japanese hoping to shed light on the reasons for Japan's low birthrate. 3616 people ages 20-49 were interviewed. There were a few interesting findings.

1. Over 30% of unmarried men in their 30s had never dated a single woman, while this was only true for 15% a women in the same category. While this number seems high for men, the question doesn't ask if they've dated members of their own sex. Also, this is a guess, but many men seem to deny that they are dating the woman they are with.

2. When married people were asked, "Why did you decide to get married?" the number one answer for both sexes was, "Because I liked and wanted to be with my partner." What's surprising is that this answer only accounted for about 50% of responses. 10% of marriages occurred because of pregnancies, and close to 10% were because of age.

3. When unmarried women were asked, "What's the lowest yearly salary a man has to make before you'd consider marrying him?" over 30% said, "5,000,000 yen." That's over $50,000 a year. The article pointed out that the average young salary man (who are supposed to make more money than most people) makes less than this. Salary men in their early 20s make only 2,620,000 yen a year, and even salary men in their upper 30s make only 4,980,000 yen a year on average. So basically, most women in their 20s and 30s should be looking for a sexy, single 50-year-old.

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