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Monday, April 1, 2013

Buddhist Priest Kills Mother

Is this demon up to his old tricks?
FNN News reported that Hiroyuki Hatakeyama fatally stabbed his mother in Fukuoka on Saturday. I know what you're thinking, "I liked this story better when it was called Oedipus Rex and the mom killed herself after sleeping with her son. Also, bloody eyes and stuff." I couldn't agree with you more, but there are a few details that make this story slightly interesting. For one, the son was the head priest of a Buddhist temple. Granted, this probably just means that his family owned the temple and he was forced to be a priest (he killed her in their home on the temple grounds), but I thought most priests weren't into murder. Second, the man is 61 and the mother was 85. I guess this means the old adage, "A son over forty never stabs his mother in the gut," just isn't true. Lastly, the only quote I've seen from the man is, "My mother was always nagging me, so I stabbed her in the stomach with the intention of murdering her." It will be interesting to see how the court rules in this case. It sounds like the mother really had it coming.

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