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Saturday, August 8, 2015

World Cosplay Summit 2015

A lot of people have been writing in telling me how much I suck in general and for not covering the World Cosplay Summit for a second year in a row. Luckily, a ton of other folks have put pictures on "twitter" and other sites.

You can obviously check out these other news sources, but I have found that you basically have to look at hundreds of cute/sexy girl pics before you find an actual cool costume. So if you want to see attractive women wearing next to nothing and trying to embody most men's fantasy, look elsewhere! It's time for the Times to give out some REAL awards!

"Cutest couple" award:

It's cool to see two people that clearly love each other so much despite their wildly different hair colors. #EternalLove

"Most erotic couple" award:

If you're not turned on right now, you're probably going to want to ask a doctor what's wrong with you.

"Best Crocodile Dundee" award:

Dundee is still at it with his old, "You call that a knife!" routine. Keep it up, "mate"!

"Best Kirby" award:

This is always one of the most competitive categories. Congratulations!

"Hottest stud" award:
 Anytime you put both boots and nipples in the same photo, you've got my attention! Yum yum!

Best smile award:

Just as the "tweet" noted, that's a very nice smile. Can't beat it this year!

"Best eyes" award:

Um, yes please! Daddy likey!

"Best eyes and eyebrows combination" award:

Wow! Also a close second for the "best smile" award.

"Best trio hand positioning" award:

These three just ran away with it this year.

"Best Abe Lincoln" award:

Surprisingly few competitors in this category, but he would have been tough to beat any year!

"Chap with whom you would most want to have a lager" award:

Would have been tough to beat even without the roller skate feet.

There you have it! I don't know, maybe we'll do some more coverage. Stay tuned?


  1. Anonymous10:09 AM

    This is crap. Where r the hot babes?!

    1. So sorry about that, sir. You can type "hot babes" into a search engine like google.com. You might need to click "images", but there should be a ton of hot babes there.
