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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Candy Pizza


  1. This sort of thing is why Japanese students are towering over American kids when it comes to the sciences, and why they're already nipping at our heels in pizza studies.

    Also, you usually don't give any sort of final taste summary with your instructional videos. I'd be interested in that. I'm assuming this is a little like chewed gum with jam?

    1. I would say this was the best of all that miniature candies. It just tasted like sugar mostly. The dough was very sticky and stuck to the plate. It was a mess. Everything tasted ok by itself, but the cola sauce was a little gross.

  2. I have tried the sushi candy and another purple one and I have decided they are ick. And I love gummys. But they always taste weird!

    1. Yeah, the sushi is made by Popin' Cookin'. Everything they make looks cool but tastes awful. This is a different company, and it tastes a bit more like normal candy. Still, it's not something I would want to eat again.
