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Friday, June 21, 2013

Nori Kimchi Potato Chips

Last time we discovered that Pringles attempt to create a delicious kimchi flavored chip was less than wildly successful. Will Calbee fare any better?

Japanese Food Review #57
  Calbee has created these nori (seaweed) kimchi chips. Nori chips are quite common in Japan, and I have to admit I'm not a very big fan of them. Let's just say I've never walked into a bar and had someone say to me, "Hey, you're that guy who enjoys consuming nori chips, right?" (true story). Anyway, Calbee boasts that they've used real Korean seaweed and that the kimchi slowly becomes spicy in your mouth. Sounds like they've really put a lot of thought into making the perfect chip, but I'd say the fatal flaw with their recipe is that instead of trying to simulate the flavor of "good" kimchi, they instead went for the "rotten vomit" variety. It tasted like cheap American kimchi. I thought they were awful after the first chip, but I ate a couple more in case I was simply not accustomed to the flavor. After 4 chips, my verdict had not changed.

Gaybot: 1    It pains me to say this about a Calbee chip, but these may have been the worst chips I've ever tasted.
Girlbot: 1  She also said they were terrible. Then she ate nearly half the bag. I asked her why, and she said she had gotten used to them but didn't want to change her score.
Overall: 1

Pringles wins.
Is there no one out there that can make a delicious kimchi chip?


  1. Anonymous5:16 AM

    you are insane these chips are incredible

    1. you have an interesting point of view thank you so much for sharing it with us have you tried the pringles
