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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Korean Kimchi Pringles

This week, we will be taking an in-depth look at two kimchi flavored potato chips. Today we examine what the creative minds at Pringles have come up with, while tomorrow it's Calbee's scientists turn to impress.

Japanese Food Review #56
 First off, Pringles really nailed the can's design this time. The marketers are right. The question isn't, "What would Kimchi Pringles taste like?" The question is, "What if Pringles could move?" The answer, of course, is that eventually they'd tightrope above a pot of kimchi. One can safely assume that a Pringles chip, if animated, would have a difficult time controlling its center of gravity. So another even more intriguing question arises. "If only the slightest breeze were to occur, does it not stand to reason that the light chip with a large surface area might perchance tumble from the rope upon which it balances into the pot below? And what flavor would that spawn?" All great questions. Unfortunately, Pringles instead just made spicy chips and added some vinegar or something, so the mystery remains unsolved.

Gaybot: 3.5 
Perhaps the worst Pringles I've ever tried.
Girlbot: 2
She was tempted to give a one, but you should never give the first entry a one in a competition.
Overall: 2.75


  1. Anonymous1:30 AM

    I thought that chip was on some kinda giant slingshot. Like Angrybirds.

  2. Did you consider the fact you use two Pringles in your mouth to look like a duck....anything with novelty like that deserves at least a five. Where is your inclusion of the fun factor? Aren't kimchi chips going to taste like shit regardless, so lets incorporate the FUCKING FUN FACTOR GAY DAWG! Thank you for the forum to tackles some of the worlds problems just try not to be shortsighted in your analysis.

    1. Dearest Stache,

      First of all, thank you so much for your comment! Secondly, on at least one occasion I’ve written about the joys of duck mouth chips (and I assure you, I performed the act with these very kimchi chips). I’ve even informed the public of the thrill one can receive from transforming the can into a “bongo” drum. Furthermore, from time to time I hum the Pringles Dick song at work. http://youtu.be/ia2HSjp4to0?t=2m7s

    2. Gaybot:

      I know you are aware of all these benefits of eating a most superior chip; in fact your earlier post on the pringles can bongo drum in my family's eyes was a public service announcement (lord knows how many impressionable young minds you have steered toward music, or the arts with that information...there can never be too many individuals with duck bills playing the bongos in this soul's opinion...all that shit is good for brain development). However I just believe that the intrinsic fun of the chips should factor into the less than palatable chip flavor in your taste tests. That is all the prince and princesses of the Pringles Crown Family wishes to say. Once again keep up the great work and consider yourself an honorary Pringles prince (not a crown prince mind you)! GO HEAT!
