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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bomi (ボーミ)

Rockebruary just keeps chugging along, doesn't it? Bomi was born in New York to Korean parents. They abandoned her at the age of three and somehow she ended up being raised by a foster mother in Osaka. She moved to Tokyo and is now a model and singer (she hasn't been horribly successful in either area). Her music is not terrible, though it may have been more popular in 1994, and her videos at least attempt to be interesting. If you don't like the music, don't blame her. Although sometimes she gives interviews that seem to indicate she has something to do with the creative process, some dude named wtf (I'm pretty sure it's not Marc Maron, but no conformation yet) writes all her songs, and the lyrics are attributed to Bokachi (could that be her real name?). She said that she talks with WTF about the songs, but her advice seems to be only, "Make it catchy." I'm surprised she's not given a writing credit. It's kind of like how I won game 6 of the 1991 World Series. I was clearly screaming, "Hit a home run, you fat idiot!" Here is her single from nearly two years ago called Mr. & Ms. Boring:

She often has foreigners in her videos. I think that Indian(?) guy appears in a couple videos. If you don't hate her yet, you might want to check out her biggest single, Cuticle Girl. She plays both the title role and a kidnapped high school gym student.

At first I thought the song sucked, but at one point she referred to Cuticle Girl as "the messiah," and I realized this song must be about Steve Harvey. After that I was able to get into it. Finally, here's 薄目のプリンセス (the princes with half-open eyes). She's waiting to be kissed by her prince, a balding, Indian(?) kick boxer(?), and she keeps getting nosebleeds. I've only seen one five minute interview with her, and she took up most of the time talking about how she gets horrible nosebleeds.

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