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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Compact Hospitality Bra

Most people close to me know that I'm a bit of an expert with the ladies. I know a lot about how their minds work, like how they like chocolate and stuff. I've also always said that women want super gimmicky bras. They should be like toys and you should be able to stuff crap in them. Great minds think alike, because some Japanese fashion scientists working at Triumph had the same idea. This bra is called Omotenashi (meaning hospitality) Compact Bra. The front reads magokoro meaning sincerity or true heart. The bra pads can be removed and used as little pouches. One holds a little towel while the other holds a collapsable cup. There are little hands pressed together in the front (a very polite gesture), and the gloves in the back can be used to hold the bra and all its gadgets. Of course, those little hands in the front make a normal blouse look ridiculous, but a thick, sexy, wool pancho can still be worn without anyone noticing the costume you have on underneath.

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