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Friday, September 7, 2012

Fashion Monster

If you're like me, you can barely sleep because of Halloween Fever. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is adding to the excitement this year by making commercials for the cheap clothes retailer G.U. For those of you freaked out by this ad, let me assure you, Kyary is almost certainly not a vampire yet. I saw an interview where she explained that the camera was actually upside-down when they shot it and then they flipped it. At first I was like, "What the?!" Then I realized, "Oh upSIDE-down!" I hope that clears it up for you. Anyway, it's just further proof that the Japanese are light-years ahead in special effect technology (watch any Godzilla for proof). There's also this video that you don't need to watch:

A couple things here. First, the slogan for this campaign is something like, "Towards a free adult." Remember when we were kids and couldn't dress like monsters? We're finally old enough to! Second, Kyary really has been wearing vampire teeth lately. Though it's not popular, it is a legitimate fashion in Japan. There are a ton of cool fashions in this video. If you make it to about 1:10 you'll see my next haircut. It had never occurred to me to ask for a Frankenstein before.

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