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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Japanese Scientists Push Canned Tuna Technology to the Next Level

The scientists at the Hagoromo corporation have discovered a way to save us all roughly eight minutes a day. Let's walk through the normal human's morning: Wake up, open a can of tuna, reach in the cupboard, search and search for the canned corn, open a can of corn, mix and mix the corn and tuna.

Okay, now let us examine the world that Hagoromo has made possible: Wake up from excitement for breakfast, open ONE can!!!, enjoy life. Sounds good, doesn't it? Also, what a slogan, "Let's enjoy cooking with Seachicken and Vegetable." It kind of gets stuck in your head.

1 comment:

  1. D. Chestertron 200010:41 AM

    Nearly the perfect product. Now if they could just eliminate the step of adding MORE corn, we'd have a real time-saver on our hands. (I'd say they should just get rid of the tuna, but what's the point of corn if it's not a little fishy?)
