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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Takoyaki Rainbow

I don't know how I missed this, but Stardust, the record label that brought us Momoiro Clover Z, is promoting a new group, Takoyaki Rainbow. Takoyaki is a breaded octopus ball snack, and each member has their own assigned color, so there's the rainbow for you. Here's their second single, "Naniwa No Haniwa."

The music is pretty unbearable, but it seems like they are Stardust's answer to Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. They tried to make the video as crazy as possible. Haniwa are ancient Japanese clay figures and the girls are searching for them. There are some giant haniwas dancing towards the end of the video. Also, I'm glad that there's finally a girl band that can play recorders in unison. If you want more of this stuff for some reason, check out their first single, "Over the Takoyaki Rainbow." I'm expecting huge things from these young ladies!


  1. Hmmmm. Not everyone can be Kyary (in fact, I can think of only one person who can), but that doesn't mean we should accept just anyone as our Kyary substitutes. Girls, you have voices like I imagine troll dolls would have. C+

    1. Are you imagining that troll dolls don't have the most enchanting voices known to man?
