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Friday, February 21, 2014

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Yume No Hajimarinrin

Kyary's back!!! And she's finally bidding farewell to her polar bear guardian!!! The title of this song means "the beginning of (my) dream, ring ring." It's another very witty title because she's combined the end of "hajimari" (beginning) with "rin rin" (ring ring). So that works on a ton of levels or something.

The song is featured in a Chintai commercial (a site where you can search for apartments) and seems to be aimed at graduating students (March is the end of the school year in Japan). You can hear her say in katakana English "Goodbye teacher, my friends" in the chorus. The video features references to all her previous videos and she sports some of her famous outfits. It shows how much she's grown up. I mean, remember when she used to fake play the guitar next to monsters? Well now she does it with that polar bear and stuff. Anyway, she's supposed to grow up in the video, first being a child, then a student, then the pon pon pon girl, then a fashion monster, and finally wearing a furisode.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Welp, that made me misty-eyed; Mostly it was the sweet but snaky-necked bear but it's also that I suspect she's up to something: a ring fixation, goodbyes... yes, this simply reeks of a Bilbo-esque 111th birthday fête and now she's having a merry old ring-withdrawl of a time in her local elven city.
