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Monday, December 17, 2012

Boring Political Update

The LDP (a center-right party) completely destroyed the DPJ in the election, so Shinzo Abe will be the next prime minister. The LDP won a majority of the 480 seats in the lower house by themselves, but when their seats are added up with their ally party (Koumeito) they won a two-thirds majority. This gives them the power to overturn any veto from the upper house. Basically, the upper house is now just a bunch of dudes sitting around that have no power at all. Seems like a pretty odd system.

Also I read that the turnout was about 59%, which is tied for the lowest turnout since WWII. It is about ten points down from the election in 2009. Seems like a pretty high low.


  1. Charlie10:27 AM

    Sounds like the time is right for that coup you've always wanted to spearhead

    1. I've been getting a ton of plastic surgery to make me look more Japanese for that very reason. I'm fairly certain that I'm the reincarnation of Mishima.

    2. Charlie2:37 PM

      Well you're like the best dude at karate I've ever met, so that would make sense
