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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Japanese Food Review #14: Gourmet Anchovy and Garlic Doritos

I'll admit that I don't like anchovies to begin with, but these were horrible. The garlic flavor was actually quite strong, which should have been a good thing, but it for some reason brought to mind biting into a clove of raw garlic (which would still be much better than these chips). Neither girlbort nor I were able to get through a whole chip. The rest of the bag ended up in the garbage. The next day when I was throwing away the coffee grounds, I couldn't believe the over-powering stench coming from the trash can. I don't know, maybe some of you would be into these, but this is now the standard for worst snack in Japan as far as I'm concerned.

Gaybot: 0
Girlbot: 0
Overall: 0


  1. I Hate Cool Ranch Guy11:05 AM

    Were they better than Cool Ranch?

    1. I think they're much worse than Cool Ranch. I'm not a fan of Cool Ranch, but I wouldn't go so far as naming myself after the fact that I hate them, so it seems likely that your opinion would be different.

  2. I Love Cool Ranch Guy9:59 PM

    What the hell is going on in here?
