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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Breo CM

Breo is a mint and Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is that singer. If you don't know who Kyary is, you've either been living under a rock, or outside of Japan, or maybe you're just not that into horrible pop culture. Seriously, if you don't know who she is, I recommend watching her 3 videos on youtube and wasting about 15 minutes of your life. My lady says that when she sees Kyary, she feels embarrassed to be Japanese. I think that's a clear sign she's worth checking out. This CM, by the way, is very close to the video for her new single Candy Candy.

1 comment:

  1. Dandy2:12 AM

    I like this, because not only can I understand what I believe are the words, I understand the sentiment. Candy, candy. Chewy, chewy.

    And Girlbot is ashamed to be the same nationality as the person who apparently invented dancing? The Japanese can be very strange.
