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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Making Friends

Because I am a genius, it's very difficult for me to socialize with "normals." I often feel lonely and long to "shoot da shit" with my fellow human beings. Luckily, I have discovered that a large number of intellectuals are active on youtube, and I have been able to interact with them. I thought I'd share a few of these stimulating conversations.

This first one is from the candy toilet video I made. In it, I added a surplus of water causing the miniature toilet to overflow with candy foam.

Kathryn: You suppose to use the top part of that rectangle thing to put the water in it not just put how many water you want to hae
Kathryn:  Have
Kathryn: The one with the eyes the top part
Gaybot: Wait, just to be clear, how many water should I put in the one with the eyes?
Kathryn:  Like two scoops lol
Kathryn:  Or 1 either one

Needless to say, we will be friends for life. This next lively conversation comes from my  second candy beer video in which I play the role of a "Johnny B. Kool" type character.

Brandon: Weirdo
Gaybot: Is that a racist slur? Shame on you.
Brandon:  I'm 13 Dumbass
Gaybot:  Call me old-fashioned, but being 13 isn't an excuse for your extreme racism.
Brandon:  Ur still a weirdo to me
Gaybot:  What? I politely explain that you're racist and I'm the weirdo? Unbelievable.
Brandon: Yup

Sometimes two geniuses have a difference of opinion which leads to a fierce debate, but in the end, both genius hearts are still overflowing with respect. Really, what a brilliant move to feign as if he didn't understand the word racist.

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