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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Premium 4 (Hard Gay)

Pizza Hut wowed the world with their cat employee campaign. What could they possibly do for an encore? Get Razor Ramon HG, of course. Razor Ramon is a comedian and former wrestler. He's got a really creative name. You see, he took the name of a famous, American wrestler, Razor Ramon, and combined it with HG. That counts as a new name, right? Oh, and HG stands for hard gay.

The ad is for Pizza Hut's 4 pizza (now called the Premium 4). It's a pizza with 4 different parts. The voice over says, "The 4 up until now," and Mr. Hard Gay repeats the line. Then they say, "The Premium 4," and now he's got a super cool cape on. Basically, if you had the choice between some random guy and a guy with a cape, who would you choose? If you didn't choose the cape, you're an idiot.

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