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Sunday, November 1, 2015

Halloween Roundup 2015

May this year's Halloween fireworks light up the sky of your life!
Halloween is growing in popularity every year in Japan. I think a huge part of it is just that stores want to sell crap to people and there aren't many good Japanese holidays to fill the void this time of year. Actually, the department store I went to today had Christmas crap up all over the place already. I even saw some Christmas displays a week ago. Still, it seems people enjoy doing things they imagine should be done on Halloween.

For example, there aren't really many pumpkins here, but there are a lot of mandarin oranges and persimmons,  so it makes sense that stickers are available to make "pumpkins".

More and more people are wearing some form of a costume. In my opinion, most are about as lame as possible. They're often very cheap with little to no thought put into them. Others are ridiculously good. I will give the 2015 Gaybotstume award to none other than Kyary Pamyu Pamyu for her David Bowie costume.

I'm pretty sure that covers all the Halloween news here in Japan. Merry Christmas!

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