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Friday, May 15, 2015

Mecha Comics

I don't know, I like looking at dogs dressed up as humans, so...

Mecha (mecya... whatever) means "a lot" or "super" or "really" depending on which word it's in front of. So mecha comic means basically "a lot of comics". It's a service that allows you to read comics on your phone or whatever device you think is "hip" (hip here does not refer to the body part but rather signifies that something is in fashion). In this New Year ad, the lyrics are something like:

I really really really really wanna read comics.
Wanna read wanna read wanna read mecha comics.
Search for it, tap and read right away!
Mecha macha macha mecha comic.

Here's the new summer commercial that also has humans at a spa.

In this one the dog has mecha written on him so the concept makes way more sense.

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