Everything you want to know.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Happy Easter

Looks like the Japanese are finally adopting the traditional practice of decorating trees with eggs for Easter.

On a side note:

Yeah, so Jesus was born  in the dead of winter. That's why we chop down a tree. Yeah, and he died in the spring sometime, so we decorate eggs, which I believe represent death in all cultures. Got it... wait! What the hell are you doing, Yoshi?! Eggs in a tree? You fool! The dying tree represents birth not rebirth! Plastic grass is rebirth! What...? Of course pink plastic grass is fine! What...? No you can not pleasure yourself after you're finished decorating! What are you thinking?! I have to say, Yoshi, that was a strange question even for you, and I... Yoshi...? Where did you go? Yoshi! You're scaring me, Yoshi... I... Wait..., was there ever a Yoshi... or was I Yoshi all along?

If someone from the New Yorker is reading this, yes, you can publish that story.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Shoe Trouble

I don't want to get too preachy, but I do want the young readers out there to realize that looking at your feet before you leave home in the morning is fairly important. I didn't look at my feet yesterday until after I had completed the fifteen minute walk to the station. It was then that I finally noticed I was wearing one of my normal work shoes and one of my ugliest tennis shoes. It was too late to go back home, and I ended up wearing small, pink slippers at work all day. The slippers were likely designed for women, and they also looked like common bathroom slippers here in Japan.

A lot of people laughed at me and all that jazz. One woman who worked at my son's daycare looked very puzzled and asked what was going on with my shoes. I told her I had simply made a mistake and left it at that. She stared at me for a good five seconds and then said, "American joke?"

Monday, March 16, 2015

Poop Points

These are the directions for a game at the arcade near my home.

1. Put in a token!
          There's a slot for tokens on both the right and left!

2. Push the button to give food!
           Carefully aim for the fish!
                The food drops from the top!

If a hungry fish eats the food, you'll get tokens! (or a token?)
If a fish that's not hungry eats the food, "poop" will come out!

*The poop is saying, "Collect me!"

If you collect poop points, what will happen!?

A couple thoughts:

Obviously I'm willing to spend quite of bit of money to find out what happens when I collect poop points. It could only be something amazing.

It seems like step 2 is a little longer than step 1. Perhaps they could restructure the steps?

I really liked the use of exclamation points here. They really let me understand which sentences I should be excited for.