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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tips for the Frugal Traveler #1

McDonald's in Japan are offering a great deal on Big Macs and Mega Macs. If it takes more than 60 seconds to hand you a Big Mac from the time you finish paying, you get a free coupon for next time. One helpful tip is just to start screaming English at the employees. I find, "Wait, does this shit come with mustard! Seriously, somebody better tell me the mustard situation now!" works well. Also, dropping dropping your change behind the counter helps. If all else fails, go for the tried and true fake heart attack (as if I even needed to tell you).


  1. Whoa, Whoa, Whooooooooooooaaaaaa, what the fuck is a mega mac? Is it too secret sauces included (i.e. either a pizza or root beer sauce), does it have chicken and beef, maybe some fucking fish is included (cooked or uncooked). The possibilities seem endless...god i hope it isn't just an extra patty (my faith in society would plummet). Pizza, Pizza,


  2. D. Ross, don't worry. It's not just an extra patty. It's two extra patties. It's pictured on the right.

  3. Anonymous2:50 AM

    Who the fuck is posing as Dr. Ross! I have been receiving texts from Dana for the last year and there is no way he typed that crap. -Tim
